Theta Delta Chi



Local website:
International website: 
Alumni website: Instagram: @uwthetadelts

President: Justin Giddings
(714) 488-3793

Recruitment Chairman: Seid Seid
(425) 215-8056

Risk Manager: Joe Bayara
(360) 259-6015

Want to get involved? Click here 


On October 31st of 1847, six scholarly gentlemen gathered together, and having quietly among themselves discussed friendship as a power, formed our fraternity, the ties of which now extend throughout all countries and climates. The Alpha Charge of Theta Delta Chi, located at Union College in Schenectady New York, continues to stand tall as a symbol of our fraternal brotherhood being the 11th oldest in North America. Our fraternity is established at the international level, and maintains active Charges at prominent universities, in order to remain traditional in the sense of secrecy and prestige within the lifelong bonds of brotherhood. Since its founding, Theta Delta Chi has believed that it is the duty of every member to improve himself intellectually, morally, and socially through friendship.

The Xi Deuteron Charge began as a local group called the Chalet Club, founded the spring of 1909. That same year, the Chalet Club began petitioning Theta Delta Chi for membership. In the fall of 1912, the fraternity finally accepted the Chalet Club's petition, and on January 4 of 1913, the Xi Deuteron Charge of Theta Delta Chi was officially installed, making it one of the oldest fraternities at the University of Washington. 

Built in 1916, the Charge House is centered at the heart of the Greek Community, and is a landmark of the campus, looking much like the west portico of the real White House. With being the longest standing house in the Greek System, the fraternity has produced many leaders throughout all realms of professional life, and maintains a strong connection with the alumni. From its founding, Xi Deuteron has grown to be one of the largest and strongest of the Theta Delt Charges in the West, hosting four spectacular international conventions (in 1956, 1977, 1998 and 2013) and winning numerous fraternity awards for the strength of its brotherhood and dedication to the community through various philanthropic endeavors.

In 2016, the brothers of Theta Delta Chi launched Bros UniteD at the University of Washington. Bros UniteD is an eight-week community based mentorship program for teenage boys (age 13-18) on the autism spectrum. Offered during the fall at no cost to the family, our goal with the program is to provide each of our “little brothers” with a safe, fun environment where they can practice their social and communication skills. Each weekend during the program “big brothers” from the fraternity spend time with “little brothers,” participating in a variety of events. This past year’s events included a trip to the Woodland Park Zoo, a Nerf Gun day, bowling at the UW HUB, mini-golfing, Trick-or-Treating at the local sororities, and more. In addition to BrosUniteD, we annually help out with Washington Special Olympics, host our “Aces for Autism” Philanthropy Week, and regularly participate in other Greek philanthropies. Most recently, we have established an ongoing relationship with a local restoration group that allows us to help maintain and improve parks around Seattle. In 2017, due to our efforts at giving back to the community, Xi Deuteron was recognized as having one of the best philanthropy programs here at the university. A year later, the UW Daily wrote an article that highlights the inspirational impact our brotherhood has made both on and off the campus. 

We are proud of the diversity of our brotherhood and believe that Theta Delta Chi is strengthened by the individuality of each member. We come from many different backgrounds and build friendship through mutual respect, common interests, and shared experiences. Many of our members are involved with extracurricular activities, including intramural sports, clubs, musical groups, volunteer programs, internships, and more. Some of our brothers are even members of the main athletic teams here at the university! Throughout the year, we maintain an active social calendar highlighted by sorority exchanges, brotherhood adventures, alumni gatherings, tailgating and rooting in the Dawg Pack. We also plan a number of out-of-town events every year, including California Road Trips, Whistler Weekend, Vancouver Boat Formal, and Cabo San Lucas! Large groups of brothers regularly attend music festivals, formal retreats, and go camping, hiking, and cliff jumping together. A great perk of living in Theta Delta Chi is that you can always find recruits for your plans, and there are always plans for you to join in on.

Among all of the exciting experiences we share together as fraternity brothers, none is more important than our education. In Theta Delta Chi, we hold each other to a high academic standard. We look for motivated members who are invested in their future and demonstrate commitment to their coursework and personal improvement. We have a wide array of members with different majors, so we support our brothers by hosting group studies, arranging mentorships with senior members & alumni, and building accountability plans to help with time management. We also provide seminars and workshops for both life and professional skills, such as financial management, study techniques, and resume building. To those who prove themselves strong in academics, scholarships are awarded through our Educational Foundation. Brothers are also encouraged to take on leadership roles within the house and community, as we believe taking on new responsibilities and challenging your capabilities are valuable supplements to the classroom curriculum. We annually see brothers hold positions within ASUW, IFC, Student Senate, and other prominent entities of governance. 

In essence, Theta Delta Chi has become a premier focal point for fraternity life at the University of Washington. Voted for Excellence in Programming in 2019, Theta Delta Chi provides a highly recognized philanthropy program, promotes positive growth in young men, and creates bonds of brotherhood that last a lifetime. If you share our ideals of strong brotherhood, social growth, academic excellence, athletic prowess, networking opportunity, and community involvement, look no further than TDX! 

In order to get in contact with the fraternity and learn more about the rush process, or are seeking more information about the fraternity in general, reach out to our Recruitment Chairman listed here or on our local website and other social media pages.

We hope that you will find your home-away-from-home here at TDX, and we look forward to meeting you!

To stay updated with the brotherhood, check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@uwtdx)!