Sexual assault and relationship violence is one of the most pressing issues facing college campuses around the nation, including the University of Washington. Greeks Take Action is an initiative launched in March 2016, in partnership with the UW Panhellenic Council, along with the UW Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Activists (SARVA) and the UW Peer Health Educators (PHE), with the purpose of:

  • Promoting awareness of issues surrounding sexual assault among the members of our community;

  • Re-evaluating the way that the community works to prevent instances of sexual violence by implementing a variety of programs, trainings, and other events, using research-backed methodologies along with innovative new approaches;

  • Launching a comprehensive platform which can provide a sustainable approach towards preventing sexual violence on multiple levels, including an individual, chapter-wide and community level basis.

Sample Events: 

The following examples showcase ways in which fraternity chapters have engaged with the Greeks Take Action initiative. Use these examples as a way to leverage involvement from your chapter! 

  • Hosting chapter programming for their members and/or joint programs with other fraternities and sororities

  • Participate or attend the Greek Community Anonymous Survivors Panel (GCASP): This event was launched by the IFC in Spring 2016. Volunteers read stories submitted anonymously by survivors of sexual assault within the community. The event highlights the harsh reality of sexual violence and serves as a call-to-action for community members.

  • Host a screening of the Hunting Ground at your chapter: The Hunting Ground is an award-winning documentary which highlights the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses around the United States, and documents many of the challenges that survivors face during the reporting process. Watch it on Netflix today!

  • Have a conversation about masculinity: Masculinity, and toxic masculinity are two of the most under-recognized factors contributing to sexual violence in fraternities. Not sure where to start? Watch the Mask You Live In on Netflix.

  • Attend a Bystander Intervention training

Immediate Resources

If you or someone you know has been the victim of a sexual assault, the following webpage has helpful resources for survivors and how to report a sexual assault:

The Livewell Confidential Advocates provides a safe and confidential space to help students, faculty and staff identify what they want or need after an incident of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking or sexual harassment has occurred.

You can schedule a meeting through the LiveWell website, or connect by email ad,

If you need to get help for someone who you believe may be suffering from depression, self-harming, or at risk for suicide, you can contact SafeCampus 24/7 at 206-685-7233.