For Alumni — UW IFC

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Every fraternity chapter at the University of Washington is supported by the guidance and efforts of their graduates. Each chapter has alumni who are involved in various aspects of chapter life, including those who serve on house corporations, caring for and maintaining the chapter houses, and those who serve as chapter advisors, providing day to day support to the chapter and its individual members. Our graduates are an integral component of our chapters’ success.

If you would like to get involved with a chapter, you may contact your chapter directly by searching through our Chapter Profiles, or you may contact the IFC.

Similarly, the Alumni Interfraternity Council (AIFC) provides support to the fraternity system, its individual chapters, and most directly, the IFC, assisting in their efforts to improve the entire fraternity system at the University of Washington. The AIFC’s mission statement and individual goals are described in detail below.

Mission Statement

Through leadership and guidance, the mission of the Alumni Interfraternity Council is to enhance and preserve its Member Fraternities so as to contribute to the educational experience of the undergraduates of its Member Fraternities and to ensure a standard of conduct respected by the University of Washington and community at large.

Our Purpose

The Purpose of the Alumni Interfraternity Council is to enhance the development of its Constituent brotherhoods by developing an internal organization for the Alumni Interfraternity Council, activating and advising our Constituents, and collaborating with our Partners, all in support of our Mission.

Our Constituents & Partners

We define our Constituents as the house corporations, advisory boards, and alumni associations of the Member Fraternities. Our Primary Partners are our Constituents, the Interfraternity Council, and the University of Washington Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. Our Greek Community Partners include the Alumnae Panhellenic Council, the Panhellenic Association, and the United Greek and National Pan-Hellenic Councils. Our Partners at the University of Washington include, most notably, the Office of Student Life, the Office of Admissions, the Office of University Advancement, the UW Police Department, the faculty of the University of Washington, and the University of Washington Alumni Association. Finally, our Community Partners include the Seattle Fire Department, the Seattle Police Department, and the University District Community.


Through the duties described above, we aim to achieve:

  • Improved fraternal experience for both undergraduates and alumni of our Member Fraternities

  • Improved safety and affordability for housing for undergraduates of our Member Fraternities

  • Improved financial well-being of our Member Fraternities

  • Improved recruitment of undergraduate members by our Member Fraternities

  • Improved relations between the Greek Community and our UW and Community Partners

  • Improved education for the undergraduates of our Member Fraternities


To achieve our purpose, our duties include:

  • Advising and mentoring our Constituents

  • Advocating on behalf of the Greek Community in all available avenues

  • Providing guidance and support for setting standards of behavior for the Greek Community

  • Creating and supporting best practices for our Constituents

  • Developing and implementing programming and training for our Constituents

  • Providing and supporting connections to and collaboration amongst our Constituents and Partners

  • Helping recruit and educate alumni members for our Constituents