Current Members
Current members of the UW Interfraternity Council will find member resources, useful forms, IFC governing documents, past grade reports, and a list of the IFC Awards throughout this section of the website.
As a member of the University of Washington Greek community, you are given many unique opportunities ranging from leadership opportunities to resume workshops to seminars aimed at honing your networking web.
If you have any concerns not covered by the following, feel free to contact us directly. Governing documents can be found here.
Community Referral Form
Use this form to report policy violations to the IFC Standards Board. Please be detailed and submit evidence whenever possible.
Event & Education Forms
Educational Program Verification Form
Philanthropy Event Application
New Member Reporting
Chapters must report new members within one week of bid acceptance to the IFC New Member Reporting Form
New members must also complete a Grade Release Waiver for the OFSL.
Hazing Prevention
Here is a link to UW’s new tri-campus hazing prevention website
Grade reports
View grade reports here