Pi Kappa Phi

Local website: https://www.uwpikappaphi.com Instagram: @uwpikapps
President: Christopher Williams
ceedub66@uw.edu (408) 913-3914
Recruitment Chairman: Ethan Jani
(720) 320-3858
Risk Manager: Xavier McKenzie
(650) 436-8989
The Alpha Delta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Washington was founded on February 23rd, 1924. Currently, Pi Kappa Phi at UW is a fraternity of over one hundred active brothers, with numerous successful alumni across the globe. The alumni’s wide range of professional fields provides our active members opportunities to form valuable professional connections and maintain a true lifelong brotherhood, regardless of major. The University of Washington has recognized our chapter and its alumni with multiple landmarks: most notably Mackenzie and Gowen Halls, named for two of our founding members. In addition to local accolades, our National Organization consistently recognizes the Alpha Delta Chapter as one of its most prestigious and well-rounded chapters, the most recent recognition being a chapter-best ten national awards, listed more in detail below. The most prestigious of these awards was the Founders’ Award, given to only 5 of the 180 Pi Kapp chapters nationwide. As a key tenant of the most recent rechartering, Pi Kappa Phi prides itself on being a strictly non-hazing fraternity, where we focus on developing our members into gentlemen who are set up for individual success, and have a lifelong commitment to our brotherhood and their communities.
Academically, we foster an environment where brothers devote time for mentorship and tutoring to fellow members. Our mandatory Monday-Thursday study halls for new members develop effective study habits, which is crucial for a strong Fall Quarter. We have members involved in numerous majors offered by the University, with a notable portion in STEM and Business. We consistently rank above the All-Mens and All-Undergraduates GPAs at UW, and during Spring Quarter of 2019 over half our members made the Dean’s List! Pi Kappa Phi also offers a number of subsidized academic resources to our brothers, and constantly reviews our scholarship plan to ensure our members reach their highest academic potential. The Ability Experience is another unique opportunity exclusive to our chapter, as we are the only national fraternity to have our own philanthropy.
The Ability Experience promotes the abilities of all people and works to eliminate the labels and stigma that unfairly define those within our community, especially those with disabilities. By having members who are eager to donate their own time and effort towards fundraising and bringing about awareness, our chapter is able to contribute to the millions of dollars and volunteer hours given to the Ability Experience each year.
Each summer, the Alpha Delta Chapter conducts a philanthropy event we call “West Coast Push”, which is a 3-day bike ride from Portland to Seattle. The event raises thousands of dollars each year for the Ability Experience and is in honor of Todd J. Porterfield, a brother of Pi Kappa Phi who was tragically killed while participating in Journey of Hope. Journey of Hope is a cross country philanthropy bike ride, similar to West Coast Push, that takes place each summer. The bike ride helps raise donations, spread awareness, and organize and facilitate “friendship visits” along the route. “Friendship visits” allow for participants in the bike ride to work hand-in hand with local organizations who support those with disabilities, by spending time with their members. Our chapter has had over 80 members spend their summer participating since the early 1990’s.
In addition to their majors, our brothers are also heavily involved with the Interfraternity Council Executive and Standards Boards, intramural and club sports, philanthropic community involvement, as well as a wide variety of clubs and associations offered on campus. During the year you can find our members traveling the world on Study Abroad programs, skiing Snoqualmie Pass, catching Mariners and Seahawks games, and exploring the beautiful city of Seattle! Pi Kappa Phi prides its operations on the term “Exceptional Leaders, Uncommon Opportunities” and creates opportunities for its members to be involved, serve, and become leaders in a variety of ways within our chapter and community.
We are excited to hear from you and show you all that our chapter has to offer! You can keep in touch with our chapter on Facebook or Instagram, @uwpikapps! Please reach out to our recruitment chairman listed on this page or our local website if you are interested in rushing!
National Awards Received at Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers 2020:
Most Improved in Scholarship Award
Excellence in Advising
Retention Excellence Award
Outstanding Growth Award
Outstanding Campus Involvement Award
Recruitment Excellence Award
Outstanding Service and Philanthropy Award
Master Chapter
Champion Master Chapter
Founders’ Award