Phi Delta Theta

“phi delt”


National website:
Local Website: Instagram: @uwphidelt

President: Kaz Poppe
(425) 615-3715

Recruitment Chairman: Jensen Kalal
(253) 380-4099

Risk Manager: Will Hand
(821) 250-3674

Want to get involved? Click here


About Phi Delta Theta


The Washington Alpha chapter of Phi Delta Theta was first formed here at the University of Washington in 1901, and has been thriving as one of the top choices in fraternities ever since. 

The brothers of Phi Delta Theta strive to place a passionate emphasis on academics, pursuing life experiences, encouraging creativity, and bringing people together into community. A fraternity is only as strong as the character of its members, and we strongly believe that the brotherhood we’ve been able to build is a result of the unique individuals that have come together to be a part of something bigger than themselves, and it is this brotherhood that allows us to become the best version of ourselves, together. 

With around 60 members living in the house at any given time, Phi Delts is one of the most close-knit fraternities in the Greek Community, with close to a hundred active members as well as an extensive network of thousands of alumni in the greater Seattle area. Our high level of alumni involvement creates a powerful chance for career and personal relationships that are intended to last far longer than these four years of college.

This college experience is about more than just being involved in a single community, and it’s nothing short of impressive that on average, every Phi is a part of at least 2 clubs / organizations on campus outside of our brotherhood. We believe that we have a lot to offer the communities around us, and that it’s important to pursue experiences and relationships in every area of life to enhance the most well-rounded college experience. 

As part of our emphasis on community, the brothers of Phi Delta Theta are committed to engaging in real-world issues and taking part in movements that can fundamentally change our world for the better. By partnering with the LiveLikeLou foundation, our chapter raises tens of thousands of dollars each year to help fund groundbreaking research in the fight to cure ALS. We’re passionate about making a difference, so every year, individual members of our chapter take part in an outstanding athletic event of their choosing to raise a thousand dollars for the LiveLikeLou Foundation, and last year alone we had 15 Phis reach this goal, earning our house the distinction of an Iron Phi Chapter. Some of the events for participants this year include: running 500 miles + completing a half marathon, biking 1000 miles, doing 2000 push-ups, and many other incredible events. Outside of our own philanthropic efforts, we participate in the events of dozens of other houses, raising money for other great causes that our entire community has the chance to get behind.

Outside of the classroom, our boys are consistently among the top competitors in intramural sports, and are always pushing each other to try new things and take part in new experiences. 

From shredding the slopes at Crystal, to biking thousands of miles for philanthropy, to tossing the football in the courtyard, to directing short films and creative projects, you best believe each Phi is finding fun ways to build each other up and enjoy this college experience, together.

So What’s Different About Phi Delts?

  • Non-Hazing: Washington Alpha is passionate about welcoming new members into our brotherhood in a safe and fun way, with a strong commitment to not engage in hazing in any form.

  • Non-Porching: Every new member is entitled to a double room, with no requirement of living in a sleeping porch with other members.

  • Major Breakdown: Around 50% of our members are studying engineering, 35% business, 15% pre-med, and 10% liberal arts.

  • Academics: Phi Delts is consistently ranked in the top 4 of fraternities here at UW in terms of chapter-wide GPA.

Our brotherhood is built upon Friendship, Sound Learning, and Moral Rectitude, and it is these three foundational principles that continue to guide us in becoming greater versions of ourselves, in hopes that we will continue to produce the next generation of young men that are on pace to change the world.