Lambda Chi Alpha



Local website: Instagram: @uwlambdachi

Gray Creech (615) 517-1699

Recruitment Chairman:
Lance McHale (254) 563-6852

Risk Management Chairman:
Tyler Palmer (253) 590-9295

Want to get involved? Click here


About Lambda Chi Alpha

We have been on the beautiful Seattle campus for over 100 years initiating over 2100 brothers making us one of the largest and oldest fraternities on campus. We strive to turn young men into leaders through elected positions and oversight of critical house operations such as our recruitment and philanthropy. What makes Lambda Chi Alpha different from other fraternities is our new members are called "associate members" which has replaced the infamous "pledge" term since 1972. Associate members are considered equals as brothers with the same opportunities and responsibilities. Associate members can wear our letters, run for leadership positions, and vote alongside brothers on decisions that directly impact the fraternity.

Since 2013 Lambda Chi Alpha has nationally partnered with Feeding America, a nonprofit charity focused on feeding more than 46 million people through food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters. We raise money for this through our Watermelon Bust, with sororities participating in our effort to raise awareness for national hunger. As a brotherhood, we are active in participating in multiple sorority philanthropies throughout the year to support their charitable goals.

We have one of the largest fraternity houses at UW with four floors, two basements, interior main courtyard, weight room, library, basketball court, underground & alley parking, and capacity for over 80 brothers to comfortably live in.

At Lambdas we understand that every student is here at UW to earn an education and have a diverse range of majors among our brothers whether that is engineering, political science, music, or business.

At the core of daily life within the Lambda house is the bond between our brothers. Through the connections made in Lambda Chi Alpha, most brothers have been able to work at the same employer, take the same classes, and participate in the same club sports. No matter how you want to shape your time at The University of Washington, Lambda brothers will always be there to support you along the way. With hundreds of chapters spread across the nation, you will always be near a chapter house and welcomed as a brother. No matter which city you are in, a Lambda house will be there to offer food and a bed for the night. We don’t want your college life to be four years, we want it to be forever.

We hope to see you around campus! If you are interested in meeting us, contact our recruitment chairmen listed here or on our website!