Kappa Sigma
Chapter website: https://www.kappasigmauw.com/ Instagram: @uwkappasig
Christopher Pile (425)-526-9966
Recruitment Chairman: Ian Haga (925)-817-9758 ianjhaga@gmail.com
Risk Manager:
Aaron Lee (206) 376-4104 aaron.alp.lee@gmail.com
Want to get involved? Click here
About Kappa Sigma
The Beta Psi Chapter of Kappa Sigma was founded on December 14, 1903, making it one of the oldest Fraternities on campus. Our Philanthropy, the Apple Cup Run, was started in 1979 and will begin again in November of this year to raise money for the Military Heroes Campaign.
Kappa Sigma is the largest men’s college social fraternity in the world, with 20,000 undergraduate members and more than 220,000 living alumni. With 320 chapters and colonies located throughout the United States and Canada, the Fraternity teaches its core standards and values through educational programming related to the four cornerstones of Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship and Service. Founded in 1869 at the University of Virginia, Kappa Sigma International Headquarters is based in Charlottesville, Virginia.