Alpha Sigma Phi


Local Website:
National Website: Instagram: @uwalphasig

Connor Roane (206) 499-0856

Recruitment Chairman:
Dylan Martinez (408) 442-0438

Risk Chairman:
Jake Billinglsey (360) 633-6663

Want to get involved? Click here


About Alpha Sigma Phi

On Saturday, December 6, 1845, three young men sat down in a small room at Yale College and created a fraternal society based on high moral values and centered on the concept of brotherhood. Now over 175 years later Alpha Sigma Phi is one of the largest and strongest fraternities in the nation.

Silence | Charity | Purity | Honor | Patriotism

A group of students was organized by alumni of Alpha Sigma Phi living in the Seattle Area to seek a charter in Alpha Sigma Phi. On January 8, 1912, they submitted their petition for a charter. The petition was approved and the Mu chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi was installed on May 20, 1912, by Carl B. Croson, Beta ’11.

Since that time, over 110 years ago, The Mu chapter won the Grand Senior President's Cup - signifying the best Alpha Sig chapter in North America on a large campus - six times: 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 2018, and 2020

With the Motto, “To Better the Man”, the over 80 currently active members embody this ideal on a daily basis. With a current multi-million dollar renovation wrapping up in early 2022, one of the oldest fraternity chapter houses still standing on the UW Greek Row, The Old Gal, remains one of the strongest brotherhoods in the nation.

Fast Facts- Who we are:

  • Average 3.50+ GPA

  • 80+ Members

  • 50+ Current Dean’s List Scholars

  • 30+ Different Majors

  • $1,000,000 Endowment

  • A fully renovated chapter house (Remodel finishing Spring 2022)

We look forward to hearing from you and showing you what makes our chapter great! If you are interested in recruitment please reach out to our recruitment chairmen listed above.